Sunday, January 29, 2006

Well it's that time again. My how the week flew by! Today I made a Honey Bun Cake for breakfast that was super good. Can't wait to make it again. Then we all went to the Virginia Living Museum for a special Underwater Adventure Leggo exhibit. As a final stop, we took the kids to McDonald's as a special treat. Now we're home and I'm planning my week.

We had company this past week. Rhonda made a cheese pie for us to enjoy for dessert.

Thursday was conference day for Pad. He's doing well in his preschool.

I worked on our curriculum. Although I would love to homeschool, I am just not able to at this time, so I do what I call "extended learning." I have a few things left to flesh out in February. Better get a move on that! lol! I did come up with a great idea for the spring/summer though. We have passes for Busch and so we will be doing the different countries. We'll start with Ireland in March :) Perhaps it can be an ongoing spring/summer curriculum with more depth being added every year as they get older. Also, we will be studing the various animals, specifically the bald eagle and the wolves.

Well, that's about it here. See you next week!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I am so happy to have found your blog! I added it to my faves folder and will check in on it about 1X a week, when I make my blog rounds! Look forward to it and I'm very sorry your pooter went caput! :(