Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I've been thinking about a recent post in K's blog .
The post was an inane article about aprons and K's response to said article. Then I thought about Miss Maggie's Apron Evangism. So I got to thinking...why do I wear an apron? What is it about a simple piece of cloth that I enjoy wearing? The answer is simple: it defines a small part of who I am. Who am I? I'm first and foremost a woman; a woman who knows exactly what she wants and gets it. I am a wife, a mother, a homemaker, a cook, a doctor, a manager, an artist, a photographer, the list goes on. Fine, you say, so what does that have to do with an apron? Well, I'll tell you. Putting on that apron makes me feel strong and capable. I have a purpose. Without an apron on it's so easy to just sit; wearing an apron makes me accountable. I fly through housework in my apron. I am Wonder Woman in an apron. Sure I can clean and cook in just my clothes, but it's more fun to be a superhero!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Oh I feel so special! I've been linked! LOL..... Great entry. Superhero! Yes that is fun! I am Queen-kisser-of-all-booboos. And I do it in an apron! Luv ya girlie!