Sunday, March 18, 2007

Feeling Blah!

Have you ever just felt blah? That's the way I've been feeling for the past several weeks. Just haven't wanted to do much of anything. I've been doing minimal homekeeping and it shows. Meals have been thrown together last minute. I've been quick to become annoyed too. Health-wise I've been okay though. Just blah. Today, thankfully, I seem to have shaken it! I have renewed enthusiasm for the home and a lot of other things!

This week:

~Miss R has an ear infection :( She's such a trooper though!

~Mr H had his first haircut! He looks like such a little man now!

~Miss M's vocabulary is steadily increasing. She constantly amazes me with what comes out of her mouth. She really is such a sweet, sensitive little girl!

~Mr P started soccer this week. He's so excited and he looks so cute in his uniform! His team is the Cosmos.

~I tried a delicious sugar cookie recipe this week. I'll be sharing it with you later on as it's getting late and I need to get on to bed.

~I've decided to once again revamp my routines just a tad. I'll share that with you as well as time permits.


Darla said...

Happy to see you posting again. Those blahs can really be draining can't they? No big problem that you can actually try and fix, just b.l.a.h.

I think the whole world will be happier when spring arrives.


Lena said...

Hi Jenn,
Sounds to me like you might suffer from the same sensitivity to the lack of light during the winter months that I do. It makes me feel rather like a slug. I find that getting outside at least once a day for a while really helps me beat the winter blahs. I have one of those full spectrum lights to sit in front of too. It helps!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I agree with Darla...we'll all feel better once spring arrives.

Mom said...

Thank you Ladies!

Yes, I am quite eager for Spring to arrive!

maggiegracecreates said...

I am so sorry for the BLAH feeling. I hate that. Has the nicer weather helped any at all?

Maybe you can find some inspiration over at CIP after this week. I will be posting on Friday/Monday the March updates. The cool part of being the administrator of that group I get to drool over the goodies way before anyone else sees tham.

Rebecca said...

I know that BLAH feeling, I get it at night lately and I get NOTHING done. I've started making lists and trying to check things off, I hope it helps!

Jodi Ohl said...

I hope the blahs go away...maybe you just need a break to the Bahamas or want to go??I know I could use one!!
