Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy November!

I thought I would start out the month with talking a little bit about the upcoming holiday. Today, I'll be dispelling some myths that you may or may not know about Thanksgiving!

Myth #1:The settlers at the first Thanksgiving were called Pilgrims.

Truth:Early Americans called all early colonists "pilgrim" and it wasn't until the 20th century that it was used exclusively to name the folks at Plymouth Rock.

Myth #2:It took place in November.

Truth: It was between September and mid October, after the harvest. It was a three day festival too!

Myth #3: They had a feast every year.

Truth: There is no evidence supporting this. The harvest was bad and they had new Pilgrims to deal with.

Myth #4: They ate turkey.

Truth: They ate deer, fish, clams, oysters, berries, plums, water, and beer.

Why is it celebrated in November? Why on the fourth Thursday? Why do we eat turkey? Join me tomorrow as I delve into the first part of the fascinating history of Thanksgiving!

all myths and truths presented today were taken from Uncle John's Ultimate Bathroom Reader

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Very cool! I look forward to more on this!

Happy November!