Sunday, February 25, 2007

Where on your body do you have a scar, and what caused it? I have a very, very tiny white scar under my nose that was caused by a cat.

What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle? My first child and I lived through her birth (an emergency c-section)

Name a television personality who really gets on your nerves. Kathy Lee Gifford

Main Course
What was a funny word you said as a child (such as "pasketti" for "spaghetti")? Bamburger for hamburger

Fill in the blank: I have always thought ______ was ______. I have always thought certain food was meant for certain times.

1 comment:

Darla said...

Appetiser: On my knee, fell in gravel when I was about 9

Soup: Was in a 4 passenger plane that ran out of gas, landed safely in a cow pasture. (long story!)

Salad: Don't watch enough tv to tell you.

Main Course: OLNY for only. I said it waaaay past when I knew better, hard habit to break

Dessert: I have always thought chocolate was over rated. (Don't throw things at me!!!)