Sunday, January 07, 2007

30 Days Hath September

April, June, and November
All the rest have 31
Excepting February which has 28 days clear
And 29 in each leap year.

And yet there never seems to be enough time, does there? How many of you were frantically finishing Christmas gifts in December? I'm guilty! I even finished my last one on Christmas Eve! Join me and others over at Christmas Progress and be prepared next year!


Darla said...

I have my Christmas cards in a stack and was considering using them to make something for next December. I was also considering putting them away, LOL!

I'll go check out the link you provided.


Mom said...

Darla, have you considered making ornaments with them? If you're interested I can give you a link!

Lena said...

Oh gosh, I should send PEA over here to see your Elvis pj bottoms! She has a wonderful collection of Elvis things.
You made some wonderful things for Christmas. I didn't do too much crafting this year. Just the cookie containers and the snowman boxes and they were a nice break for me. I needed to just relax and enjoy crafting instead of the usual hectic crafting for a craft sale.
Those donuts have my mouth watering!