Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday's Supper

Which television shows do you just refuse to miss? Heroes!

Who did you last speak to on the telephone? My Mother In Law

How many pillows do you keep on your bed? Two

Main Course
Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you'd love to have. I'd love to have Mastercook :)

What is your favorite foreign food? Hmmm....I enjoy a variety:Indian, Mexican, Japanese...

1 comment:

Darla said...

I'll play!

1) I like Antiques Road Show but there's nothing on tv I'd refuse to miss is something more interesting came along.

2) Mother

3) Four

4) Some kind of photo editing software - and I want a laptop

5) I don't think I've met a food I didn't like, LOL! Currently I'm going through a Thai food phase
