Thursday, January 25, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Mary Ann has tagged me to participate in the 6 Weird Things About You meme. Hmmm... let's see.

1. I really enjoy watching programs/movies on the Disney Channel. It's one of my guilty pleasures.

2. I have never, ever, in my entire life seen an episode of Sex in the City or Desperate Housewives.

3. I love watching subtitled movies. Two of my favorites are Amelie and 8 Women (I think that liking this movie could take care of the whole weird quotient!)

4. By no means a "neat freak" (though I do like the house to be tidy), I like to clean. Especially now since I am keeping on top of things and it's not taking nearly as long as it used to.

5. I like to eat carrots and peanut butter. Just dip the carrot in the jar. Yum!

6. I like my soda warm, no ice.

There you have it. And since these aren't all that weird (at least I don't think so), here's one more. This is one of my most favorite sites. I can spend hours here. I think I know more about movies I haven't seen than anyone :)


Very Mary said...

I like ceery and p.b., but I think that's normal. I'll have to give the carrots a whirl!

Very Mary said...

That was supposed to celery.

Lena said...

I loved the movie Amelie, but I've never heard of 8 Women. I've been enjoying reading this meme on lots of blogs. I have to admit yours is pretty tame compared to some!
Your little girl looks so sweet in the bib photo and I think your Valentine gifts turned out lovely.